Next Meeting: Oct. 1

Myth-busting On The Subject Of Growing Roses In Tucson


FEATURED PRESENTERS: Terry Swartz and Diane Pavlovich

 Growing roses are full of myths that simply are not true. The common misconception is that roses are high maintenance. You simply have to learn how to make growing roses easier by listening to veteran rose growers explain all the tricks of the trade in our challenging climate.

 For instance, did you know that you don’t have to apply liquid fertilizer gallon by gallon in buckets which causes considerable back strain? The easy way to do it is to utilize a 50-gallon container filled with water. Then dump in the proper amount of water soluable fertilizer and mix well. Then attach a 50-foot hose to a 1/4 HP submersible pump with the other end of the hose connected to a water wand.

 Lower the pump into the fertilizer solution. Now connect the cord from the pump into an extension cord which goes to an electric outlet which allows perfectly mixed fertilizer to flow out of the water wand onto the soil of you roses. Once you are done pouring fertilizer over the soil of one rose plant  (about 10 seconds), move to the next and so on.A garden of 50 roses will take less than an hour.

 There are many more myths about rose growing which will be busted by Terry and Diane such as the subject of overhead watering of roses which some believe will burn the foliage of your plants. 

Also on tap will be an important talk by veteran Tucson rose grower Les Hayt. He will explain what to do in your rose grden this month in the quest for a massive bloom display in November. Les will answer all questions as well from the audience.

 DATE: Tuesday, Oct. 1  at 7 p.m

 LOCATION: Tucson Botanical Gardens (2150 N. Alvernon Way), one block south of Grant and Alvernon on the east side of the street.

 WHO CAN ATTEND?: Anyone who wants to learn more about growing great roses (FREE!) Feel free to bring a friend and enjoy an evening with people who have a passion for gowing great roses.



Expert Rose Growers

Don’t believe anybody who says that growing roses in southern Arizona is difficult. All you need is a game plan for getting your plants through the relentless summers we endure. Learn all about it with experienced members who have perfected a system to grow great roses.
In 2023, we experienced one of the most brutal summers in Tucson history. The Old Pueblo had 53 consecutive days of 100-plus temperatures from June 16-Aug. 7 which snapped the old record of 39.
Read our time-honored game plan that solves the issue of summer. 

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