Welcome To The Rose Society Of Tucson!

The Rose Society was founded Feb. 1, 1960, and we currently have over 100 members. The purpose of the Rose Society is to share knowledge about growing stunning roses in Southern Arizona. Our goal is to reduce the learning curve for all of our members.

We currently have 12 Consulting Rosarians in our membership, 6 American Rose Society (ARS) Horticulture Judges and 3 Arrangement Judges. Whether you want to learn to grow the roses you currently have, or you want to exhibit, we have members who will help you achieve your goals.

Our source of information and knowledge is not limited to Southern Arizona. We are an affiliate of the American Rose Society which is the largest horticultural society in the nation.

Benefits Of Membership: Membership for the Rose Society of Tucson is $20 per year per family. Our members receive the Society’s national award-winning newsletter, the Thrip Hater, 10 times a year and are eligible for shared purchases of inexpensive, hard-to-find roses. The Thrip Hater provides interesting and educational articles and keeps you notified of current events.

Click on the following photo of our newsletter to read a sample copy of the Thrip Hater.

Meetings: Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings at no charge. Our guest speakers and programs aim to assist everyone in learning how to grow and enjoy the stunning beauty of roses. We meet the first Tuesday of each month at the Tucson Botanical Gardens (2150 N. Alvernon Way at 6:30 p.m. (social time). We do not meet in July and August. Social time provides guests and prospective members an opportunity chat with members, ask questions and exchange tips on growing roses.

Events: We have a rose show each year in April. We offer a rose pruning demonstration at our January meeting. Our members host garden tours periodically to share landscaping ideas and provide new and different ideas for growing roses in the desert.

Want To Join?

To Join: Please mail $20 or pay in person at any meeting or show. We accept checks or cash. Make your check out to the Rose Society of Tucson.

We need the information below to get your membership benefits started!


Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

City: ___________________________________________   
State: _______     Zip: ________________

Phone Number: _______________________________________________________________________

E-Mail (To Receive Newsletter): _______________________________________________________

You can mail your check to our treasurer at:

MMChris Murphy
MM4115 E. 6th St.
MMTucson, AZ  85711